Street boys who enter our residence program in Zambia are very accustomed to being independent.  It is often difficult for them to make the transition to following leadership and obeying rules.  You might think this would get easier as the years go by, but sometimes that independent spirit tempts even our older boys to test the boundaries of residence life. Our leadership must hold those rules firmly or other boys will be tempted to test them as well.  Some rules need only be broken once before a boy must leave the program.

Baldwin (middle) entered our residence program in 2015.  He has done so well and was often held up as an example. But, after 7 years in residence, he tested those boundaries in a way that meant he had to leave. In years past, there was no way to keep him close.  Our staff would work to retain connection but residence would be off the table.  However, in 2022, we started a new program in Zambia called the Abba’s Skills Training Center for over 18 boys.  While it fulfills a specific need with older street boys, it also offers a place that older boys who must leave the main residence can have a second chance.

Baldwin repented of his mistake and accepted a place in the Skills Training Center. Since his return, he has thrived in his new arrangement. He serves as an example once again to the boys in the program and recently scored high marks on his preparatory exam.  If you zoom in, you can read his teachers comment:

“He is spiritually inspiring.”

What a wonderful testimony! With help of believers around the world, Heart of the Bride has been reaching these boys in Kitwe, Zambia in one way or another since 2007. Together we can reach even more!

For the Least of These,

Brian Crisman