The gospel of Jesus offers us hope and, because of that, we can offer it to the many children God brings to us. The Eagles Christian Academy in Kithianio, Kenya, continues to offer hope through Jesus Christ and a quality education to a very dark place in rural Kenya. You can see that hope in the face of Vincent. Vincent Muthoka entered the Eagles Christian Academy as a preschooler who was very shy and with little confidence. Through the love and encouragement of the staff of the ECA, He has grown in confidence and enjoys leading worship in church and singing at the school. He is doing very well in his classes and looks forward to attending each day. His mother, Asumpta (pictured with him), is very thankful to have such a high-quality school for her only child to attend.
Her story is a story of redemption as well. Asumpta was taken advantage of by a family member which led to the birth of our precious Vincent. She was an outcast and looked down upon. But the staff of the ECA took Vincent in and encouraged Asumpta as well. A family that was once without hope now has a chance. She attends worship as well and always has a smile on her face. Only God can do that!
In addition to great stories like these, 23 students at the Eagles Chrisitan Academy gave their lives to the Lord this year! You are bringing hope through the gospel of Christ to children in Kithianio, Kenya. Thank you!
One of the heart-breaking things we’ve encountered this year is the seeming increase in home violence through the pandemic. We continue to discover children in our school and the surrounding village that need immediate trauma and gospel informed care to help them heal. Nzilani (zi-lah-nee) is one of those precious girls. We remember her as a toddler coming to events with her sister. She was initially terrified of us and would cry anytime we approached her. But eventually, she opened up and we got to know her and her sisters well. Over the last year, we have helped Nzilani and her older sister escape an abusive situation and made sure they receive gospel-based care that is trauma informed. To do this, we had to send them away to other ministries. What we are beginning to realize is that God may be leading us to do this ourselves. Please pray for guidance as we seek the Lord on this matter.